Latest News Updates on Artificial Intelligence Research and Policies

February 15th, 2023
"“The National Institute of Standards & Technology (NIST) issued Version 1.0 of its Artificial Intelligence Risk Management Framework (AI RMF) on January 26, 2023 – a multi-tool for organizations to design and manage trustworthy and responsible artificial intelligence (AI). As the United States and other leaders develop policies to address the possibilities and problems of AI, this framework adds coherence to evolving U.S. policy on AI and contributes to ongoing international debate about AI policy and development.”
U.S. and EU Announce Plans to Develop AI Standards -
IEEE Spectrum

February 24th, 2023
“In late January, civil servants in the United States and European Union promised that the two would join forces and support development of AI models in five socially critical areas, including health care and the climate.
However, their agreement has yet to translate into concrete action. “In my opinion, it’s a statement of intent,” says Nicolas Moës, a Brussels-based AI policy researcher at the Future Society think tank. “We do not have, yet, a lot of understanding of how that is going to be executed.”
But if the agreement’s models do materialize, the developers’ actions could set a precedent for handling data in a world where two sides of the Atlantic paint very different regulatory pictures.”
How AI became ‘the autocrat’s new toolkit’ [BOOK EXCERPT] -
Breaking Defense

February 28th, 2023
“China is not just forging a new model of digital authoritarianism but is actively exporting it. In 2018, Zimbabwe signed a strategic partnership with the Chinese company CloudWalk to build a mass facial recognition system consisting of a national database and intelligent surveillance systems at airports, railways, and bus stations. The deal will help “spearhead our AI revolution in Zimbabwe,” according to former Zimbabwean ambassador to China Christopher Mutsvangwa. “An ordinary Zimbabwean probably won’t believe that you can buy your groceries or pay your electricity bill by scanning your face,” Mutsvangwa said, “but this is where technology is taking us and as the Government, we are happy because we are moving with the rest of the world.”